menu The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Woodlawn the Movie Endorsed by the NBC, USA, Inc. – See it on October 16!

The star of the movie WOODLAWN, a young African-American male, Caleb Castile, and spokesperson, Clifton L. Taulbert, introduced this amazing film of Faith, Family and Friendships to the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. during the 135th Annual Session held in Memphis, Tennessee on the morning of September 8, 2015.

Our Convention fully supports the importance of the values of FAITH, FAMILY and FRIENDSHIPS. WOODLAWN dramatically brings these values to the big screen as competing Alabama high schools in 1973 find themselves surrounded by intense football RIVALRY and even more intense RACISM during those early days of school integration. Woodlawn shows us what can happen when JESUS shows up!

In WOODLAWN, you will witness the Strength of Character and the Power of Faith within the black family, the relationship between a black father and his star football son and friendships between the races as JESUS BUILDS BRIDGES.

We are excited that your attendance in theaters across the country and your endorsements of the movie on social media (#NBCUSA2015 and #Woodlawn) will help to fill theater seats in your respective cities while benefiting the youth programs of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.