menu The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

CJC Prison Ministry Prison Ministry of the Criminal Justice Commission (Hebrews 13:3)

National Vice Commissioners

Emerson & Jessica Turner 
(480) 926-7043 Office
(602) 889-4156 Mobile
Email: [email protected]



The purpose of the Prison Ministry of the National Baptist Criminal Justice Commission is to focus on the incarcerated individual, their families, victims and their communities as it relates to ministering to them while incarcerated, providing for a smooth transition back into society after incarceration and the reducing the return rate to the incarcerated state (recidivism).



…a community where the life of every inmate is impacted by the Word of God and the value of each inmate is restored as the true apex of God’s creation.


Mission Statement

The Mission of the Prison Ministry is to exhort, assist and equip the local church in its evangelistic and emancipating ministry to those in prison, ex-prisoners, victims, and their families, and the advancement of biblical standards of justice.



To provide delegates and churches with the necessary tools to participate, initiate, and sustain an effective prison ministry by:

  1. Establishing a compelling need for organizing and developing a prison ministry.
  2. Establishing a compelling need from a church and societal point of view.
  3. Apprising churches of local and state requirements for participation in prison ministry.
  4. Exposing delegates to a myriad of prison ministry options.
  5. Providing training and practical experience through classroom learning and actual ministry opportunities.
  6. Calling to action those who have been inspired to do the work.



The Prison Ministry will harness the collective power of the Parent Body through its auxiliaries and affiliated churches and clearly identify those who wish to express their obedience to Christ through ministry and minister to those who are downtrodden, left behind and to those behind prison walls. This ministry provides opportunities to fulfill Matt 25:31-46.


The Prison Ministry has developed a training course (8029L) that addresses the classroom training component of this initiative. Scripture challenges us to “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15)”, to be competent soldiers in the battle. The class comes with a “practicum” component, where students will get hands-on experience about the nature of the work.


Expunged Records
The Prison Ministry has developed information, techniques and strategies relative to the avenues to expunge their records in every state where this is an option after incarceration.


The Prison Ministry will aggressively publicize the critical need for ministers (of all description) to engage in the war against the destruction of our sons and daughters and their families through incarceration.


The Prison Ministry will tirelessly seek out grants, write proposals and solicit benevolences to fund the needs of liberated individuals in need of immediate housing, driver’s licenses, and support until such time the consequences of incarceration can be mitigated.