menu The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Let’s Move Let's Move: Faith and Communities

Communities on the Move Video Challenge

Let’s Move! invites faith-based, community, and other organizations to create inspiring videos about their efforts to reverse the trend of childhood obesity.  Read More

To meet the challenge of childhood obesity in America, the First Lady, Michelle Obama, is leading an Administration-wide effort with the bold, ambitious goal of reversing the trend of childhood obesity within a generation. She launched Let’s Move!, an initiative designed to engage parents, families, teenagers, children, schools, and communities in an effort to promote healthy living and ensure access to affordable and healthy food.

Over one-third of American children are overweight or obese. At the same time, more than 17 million children in the United States did not get enough to eat in 2009. We need your help to reverse these trends. This toolkit is designed to help faith-based and neighborhood organizations engage their communities and promote healthy choices and access to healthy food. Since there is a great deal of variation among faith-based and neighborhood organizations, we included a variety of activities so that every organization or congregation has the opportunity to be part of Let’s Move!

Let’s Move Faith and Communities is designed to support local efforts and highlight accomplishments in communities across the country. We want to work with community leaders, hear about what you’re doing in your neighborhoods, and learn from each other through this effort. We’re excited to join together as we challenge ourselves to walk three million miles, complete 500,000 Presidential Active Lifestyle Awards (PALAs), host 10,000 community gardens or farmers markets, and host 1,000 new Summer Food Service Program sites at faith-based and neighborhood organizations.

Let’s Move Faith and Communities Toolkit 

This toolkit provides concrete action steps that an organization can take around four themes:


Healthy Choices
Physical Activity
Healthy Schools
Affordable and Accessible Food

Think of these action steps as a menu of options – you don’t have to order the whole menu! Rather, this toolkit provides different steps for you to consider which strategies match up with resources and interests in your community.

Thank you for all you do in your communities and for being involved in this important initiative. Now, Let’s Move!