menu The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Education & Financial Assistance Resources

These resources are provided to assist you in identifying educational programs and financial aid opportunities. Please note that while we make every effort to check the authenticity of the information, the Convention cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. You are encouraged to research the opportunity to assure that it is currently available and a good fit for your needs. May God smile upon your efforts to secure a good education!

Help Us Get the Word Out About Support for Education!

You can help us get the word out about education resources. If you are aware of legitimate resources for education that you’d like to share with the Convention’s website visitors, please contact us by email at the link below. Be sure to provide detailed information, contacts, and website addresses for the educational opportunity you are reporting to us. Thank you!
[email protected]

National Baptist Scholarship Opportunities include:

National Baptist Congress Scholarship: Scholarships awarded to college-bound and in-college students on a per-region basis

National Baptist Congress Oratorical Contest: Scholarships and more for college bound students who exhibit exemplary oratorical skills

Other Education and Financial Assistance Resources: Colleges, Degree Programs and Financial Assistance from other resources