menu The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Place A Ministry Advertisement

How to Publish Your Ministry Advertisement*

Currently, our advertisers for open positions report that they are receiving an average of 90 – 120 responses to their ads from this website.  The responses are from across the United States and some are from abroad.  If you don’t want to receive that kind of volume or variety in applicants, do not advertise here. However, if conducting a broad search is part of your plan, you’ve come to the right place!  This service is offered as a benefit to members of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. or churches that are members of a state convention affiliated with the NBC, USA, Inc.  We reserve the right to refuse any request to advertise on our website at our sole discretion.

Procedures for Placing an Advertisement

Generally, submissions are published within three – five business days after we have received both the payment and the ad. Your submission will be published as is and must be submitted by email or uploaded during the online payment process.  No exceptions. The document that you send as your ad must be final and not a “work in progress.”  Try to include whether or not expenses will be paid for travel to the church for interviews, sermons, etc. in your ad – potential candidates will find this information very helpful.

Advertising Fees – $149.00

A one-time, non-negotiable fee of $149.00 per advertisement is required for publication on the website for up to 6 months for job opportunities. Discounts are not provided for advertisers requiring less publication time.  It is the advertiser’s responsibility to notify us when the ad should be removed or to renew the ad at the end of the publication period.

Fees are subject to change at the discretion of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. Fees are non-negotiable.

    We reserve the right to refuse any request to advertise on our website at our sole discretion.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Senior Pastor, Associate Minister, Director of Music, Youth Leader, etc.
  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docs, txt, rtf, jpg, png, Max. file size: 256 MB.
    Upload the announcement here. Click the "Browse" button and find the file on your computer.
  • Price: $149.00
    Ministry Opportunity Announcement for 6 months. Amount: $149.00 USD (See payment options below.)

Payment Procedures

Credit Card Payment Procedures

  1. Download & Complete the Credit Card Authorization Form   Fax it to: 877-830-8533 or Email Credit Card Authorization Form to [email protected].

Mail-In Procedures

Click Here to Download a Mail-In Invoice

  1. Download and complete the “Mail-in Invoice” above.
  2. Make your check or money order for $149.00 payable to “National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.”  Write “Ministry Opportunity Payment” in the notes section on the check or money order.
  3. Send the payment and mail-in invoice to:

National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
 Ministry Opportunity Advertising
1700 Baptist World Center Drive
Nashville, TN  37207



If you have questions about your payment by mail, contact Ms. Jeanette Tatman, Finance  Manager at  [email protected] or call 615.228.6292.

If you have questions about your online payment or website announcement, contact [email protected]. Email is the preferred method of communication. 

*Important Disclaimer:
The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. publishes resumes and open ministry and employment opportunities as a service to its members and other constituents who are seeking ministry opportunities/employment or individuals to fill open positions.  The Convention does not pre-qualify potential employers or individuals seeking positions, nor can it attest to the accuracy of the information presented.  It is the sole responsibility of the potential employer or candidate to verify the information presented.  The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. reserves the right to refuse publication of any ministry opportunity or resume at its sole discretion.