menu The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Chaplains Chaplains/Ecclesiastical Endorsement Ministry

Attention All Chaplains!

Mail Your Annual Endorsement Fees to:

National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
Ecclesiatical Endorsements
c/o Jeanette Tatman
1700 Baptist World Center Drive
Nashville, TN 37207

Dr. William J. Wyne
Ecclesiastical Endorser and Chaplain Institute Instructor

The Professional Development Institute for Chaplains
Congress of Christian Education
September 2024 

Chaplains Registration Form


All attendees for the Chaplains Professional Development Institute (September) are required to register.

Checks or money orders should be made payable to The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.  Enter “Annual Endorsement Fee,” “CPDI Registration” or both in the notes section of the check or money order, as applicable. Please ensure that your name and contact information are printed and legible. The finance office will send a receipt that acknowledges your payment(s). Keep your receipt, and bring it with you to the Chaplains Professional Development Institute.

Download the Professional Development Registration Form

Please submit Fees to:
National Baptist Convention USA, Inc.
Ecclesiastical Endorser
c/o Ms. Jeanette Tatman
Finance Office
1700 Baptist World Center Drive
Nashville, TN 37207

On-site payments should be provided to me for delivery and processing by the Finance Office (Ms. Tatman).

Please confirm registration and attendance for the 2024 Chaplains Professional Development Institute by sending an email to me at [email protected] 

Yours Because of Calvary,


 Dr. William J. Wyne

Who are Chaplains?

A chaplain is an ordained clergy member who provides religious services and support to people who are hospitalized, incarcerated, or unable to attend religious services because they are on military duty.  Chaplains minister in a variety of settings, including the military, parishes, hospitals, prisons, universities, and schools. Military chaplains may be assigned to ships or military bases, and they may even be deployed in war zones. Hospital chaplains serve patients and staff members, and they may also provide in-home religious services for patients who are recovering from illnesses or receiving hospice care. A chaplain’s most important job is to provide religious services, spiritual guidance, and counseling to those in need. A chaplain may also give sermons to encourage spirituality and provide comfort.

National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. Office of Ecclesiastical Endorsement

The Office of the Ecclesiastical Endorser for the NBC,USA, Inc., has been in continuous operation for over fifty-five (55) years with the express purpose of endorsing and providing spiritual support to the clergy, of this Convention, who minister to the hundreds of thousands of persons in the U.S. Armed Forces and the Department of Veterans Affairs through their respective Chaplaincy Programs.

Chaplaincy Endorsement Qualifications & Procedures (rev. 8/2017)

Endorsement qualifications are available for review and printing by clicking on the link below.  The Chaplains Professional Development Institute is offered each year during the National Baptist Congress of Christian Education Annual Session to assist with the continuing education requirements. For more information about the Congress, click here.

Download the Requirements for Ecclesiastical Endorsement

Contact Dr. Wyne

Please direct any questions you have about ecclesiastical endorsement or the Chaplain Institute to:

Dr. William J. Wyne
NBC, USA, Inc. – Ecclesiastical Endorser
485 North Washington
Battle Creek, MI 49006
Telephone: 615-301-2240 | 269-963-4640 |
Email: [email protected]