menu The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Guidance Statements National Baptist Criminal Justice Commission Guidance Statements

The National Baptist Criminal Justice Commission will effectively influence and change sinful behavior wholly and holistically by ministering to the physical, Biblical and Spiritual needs of individuals and their families.


The Criminal Justice Commission will exhort, assist and equip the local church in its evangelisticand emancipating ministry to those in prison, ex-prisoners, victims, and their families. The Commission will effectively address the causes of crime and criminal behavior such as; poverty, joblessness, substance abuse, mental health, deviant thinking, marriage and family disillusionment, community disunity, violence, sexual immorality, mistreatment of our children and elderly, homelessness and other inconceivable actions.



  1. Minister to men, women and their families through local churches that will promote Christian living that helps them before entering the Criminal Justice System.
  2. Minister to men, women and their families while they are in the Criminal Justice System that will present the plan of salvation and promote Christian living.
  3. Minister to men, women and their families that have been released from the Criminal Justice System in a manner that offers guidance to ensure they do not return to the Criminal Justice System.



  • Developing Effective Biblical Ministries Within The Criminal Justice System
  • Biblical Proclamation-To-Salvation & Biblical Education-To-Liberation



  1. The Criminal Justice Commission will establish a Ministry with National and Regional Commissioners who will assist and equip the local church in its evangelistic and emancipating ministry to those in prison, ex-prisoners, victims, and their families.
  2. The Commission will generate training materials to be used by the National and Regional Commissioners to train and equip local and regional trainers.
  3. The Commission will reach out to Pastors, Officers and Auxiliaries of local churches; Moderators, Officers and Auxiliaries of District Associations; Presidents, Officers and Auxiliaries of State Conventions; and National Officers and Auxiliaries to become participators in this physical and spiritual war.
  4. The Commission will conduct training sessions and presentations in national settings, during regional workshops and local meetings to convey the need for and the work of the Ministry.
  5. The Commission will establish and develop links to Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Associations throughout the country to focus on preventive measures that Biblically and Spiritually lead our brothers and sisters toward a life in Jesus Christ rather than a life of crime, destruction and death.

Download Detailed Description of the CJC Ministries ~ Updated June 2017