menu The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.

Mission & Objectives Ushers and Nurses Auxiliary Mission & Objectives


To unite, develop educate and strengthen skills of those that have accepted the challenge of a person-to-person ministry within the church.  Full focus on the four pillars of church: Doctrine, Evangelism, Stewardship and Fellowship as a major part of ministry’s purpose.

The Ushers and Nurses is comprised of Christian men and women who have been called to serve in their local churches as ushers (servants) nurses and health professionals.

The desire to have a Christ-centered Convention must result in auxiliaries that are Bible-based and Christ-centered in their programming.  The Ushers and Nurses Auxiliary seeks to fulfill this mandate by emphasizing Christ’s desires for how we should conduct ourselves in our appointed roles in all of our study efforts.  Our members will learn more about Christ, His mission, His meaning and His message.

In order to be a Christ-centered and effective in their roles, Ushers and Nurses must first be Christians.  We should not only seek to know Christ, but we should seek to show Christ in our lives each and every day.  To this end, the Ushers’ and Nurses’ Auxiliary provides information on Christian salvation, encourages members to understand what salvation means so that they can witness about the goodness of Jesus Christ and carry out His “Great Commission” through ushering and health related programming.


To ensure Christ is the center of everything we do.

Help to win souls for Christ through Christian service; serve the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. during all Annual Sessions.

Enhance the educational offerings so that Ushers and Nurses can gain further knowledge; be highly motivated and enthusiastic about serving the Lord, sharing knowledge gained with others within the local church, district, state and NBCUSA, inc.

Create a good working relationship through fellowship and in unity within our ministry.

Support the Parent Body and all auxiliaries according to procedures and guidelines of the National Baptist Convention.

Report regularly to the President and executive committee as requested, and be accountable and consistent in our support.

Inspire Ushers & Nurses to register their local church in addition to personal registration.

Strive to increase attendance at the NBCUSA Annual Sessions.

Encourage Young Adults and Youth participation especially during the Congress of Christian Education.